
发布日期:2025-01-04 15:04    点击次数:141
【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』18号线航头站约500米外高桥集团 航头项目【森兰·航荟名庭】建面约90-136㎡3-4房均价48631元/㎡ 总价约364万无需积分 直接认购 线上预约【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达! 航头高品质“森系生活”标杆【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!是外高桥集团股份在航头打造的首个项目,集团将与航头镇携手把握时代机遇,发挥国企担当,以丰富的开发经验和管理能力,延续外高桥·森兰品牌基因,秉持“生态、宜居”开发理念,致力打造航头高品质“森系生活”住宅标杆。【森兰·航荟名庭】总投资约38.03亿元,规划建设高层住宅12幢,多层住宅11幢(含保障房),目标定位为青年首置【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!,预计可提供高品质住宅1049套。项目占地约6.9万平方米,容积率1.5,总建筑面积15.9万平方米(地上10.7万、地下5.2万平方米)。低密景观规划,【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!融合简约现代的立面风格,兼具实用性与美观性,让森系生活的景观价值最大化。【森兰·航荟名庭】匠心打造容积率1.5低密住区,7-8层洋房&11-14层小高层(无连廊),不止低密,而且纯粹。更统【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!一的圈层,造就更和谐的生活。人车分流的设计,提高了社区内活动的安全系数,也提高了业主的居住品质。全社区安防系统、可视对讲系统、移动端控制APP、社区监控系统、云对讲系统五大智能化系统,出入无忧,自在随行。社区整体规划为南低北高,【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!全部为1梯2户设计,无地上车位,全人车分流设计,北侧沿街布置商业,形成国际住区合理化布局,满足居民生活的便利性和品质感。中轴对称的景观大花园布局,【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!融合简约现代的立面风格,将提升社区整体形象与气质。立足南北双片区近50000 ㎡大盘景观空间,森兰·航荟名庭规划了以300m大中轴,10000 ㎡ 中心景观区为核心的多组团丰富空间。【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!公园+花园的双园社区、品质归家入口、【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!特色阳光草坪、双会客系统、主题儿童乐园、健身系统六大功能价值叠加由三条不同主题的林荫步道和三个圆形景观节点组成的全区漫步系统,共同构建“6+1”森O₂家园。 建面约90~130㎡“走心”户型全龄段宜居户型,满足不同阶段家庭需求,面积合理,功能性强,所有户型都没有面积上的浪费,性价比极高,足见开发商在设计上的用心!其中,【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!建筑面积约100㎡和130㎡3房户型还设置了单独的入户电梯厅,静谧的专属空间,更能发挥多种功能。建面约90㎡3房2厅2卫户型▼户型方正,南北通透3开间朝南,采光面充足餐客一体化设计,动线流畅更有270°观景阳台,视野更开阔,景观更丰盛全卧飘窗,更多使用空间建面积100㎡3房2厅2卫户型▼三开间朝南,横厅设计客餐厅一体连接南向阳台采光面更大,室内更通透全卧飘窗设计,既是空间的延伸又平添一份惬意主卧套房设计,更静谧的私享客卫也设计了飘窗置物、坐浴皆相宜建面积136㎡4房2厅2卫户型▼四开间朝南,约5.7米面宽客厅打造南向超大采光面超大观景阳台,兼具开阔的视野和更多发挥余地全卧飘窗+餐厅飘窗,给到你更多施展空间主卧豪华套房设计静享主人一方天地【森兰·航荟名庭】不惜成本打造硬核装标,项目全屋配备东芝空调、威能两用壁挂炉;卫生间马桶、台盆、龙头皆选用科勒品牌;厨房燃气灶、油烟机选用老板品牌;开关插座皆来自西门子【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!,呈现的居住品质甚至比别人加载“装修包”后还要硬核! 项目区位配套配套的日益成熟也带来了居住上的升级与变化。外高桥集团股份在航头镇核芯位置鼎力打造“森兰·航荟名庭”,【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!毗邻轨交18号线航头站,拥享轨交带来的便捷与繁华。交通配套方面:项目周边16/18号线双轨交环绕。距离18号线航头站直线距离约500米,18号线被称为浦东南北新动脉【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!,全线可与15条轨交换乘,无论到市区还是浦东核心区域都比较方便。临近申嘉湖高速、沪南公路、林海公路以及在建的S3等交通主干道自驾出行也十分便利!【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!商业配套方面:项目周边的社区底商能够满足日常生活需求,比如美容店、宠物店、药房、小吃、餐厅、便利店等【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!。1公里范围内有苏航生活广场、农工商超市等商业配套。医疗资源方面:项目临近上海中医药大学附属龙华医院(三甲)在建中,预计23年投入使用,周边还有上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!院南院、上海南航医院、航头社区卫生服务中心等为医疗配套。【 Pudong Senlan Hotel Name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Line 18 Hangtau station about 500 metersWaigaoqiao Group head project【 Senlan · Hanghui Name Court 】The building surface is about 90-136㎡ for 3-4 roomsThe average price is 48,631 yuan /㎡, the total price is about 3.64 millionNo points required to subscribe directly online booking【 Pudong Senlan Hotel Name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct!Hangtou high quality "Mori life" benchmark【 Pudong Senlan Hotel Name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! It is the first project created by Waigaoqiao Group shares in Hangtou. The Group will join hands with Hangtou Town to seize the opportunities of The Times, play the role of state-owned enterprises, continue the brand gene of Waigaoqiao Senlan with rich development experience and management ability, uphold the development concept of "ecological and livable", and strive to create a high-quality "Sentou life" residential benchmark.[Senlan · Hanghui Name Court] With a total investment of about 3.803 billion yuan, planning to build 12 high-rise residential buildings and 11 multi-storey residential buildings (including affordable housing), aiming to be the first youth to buy [Pudong Senlan Hanghui Name Court] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Full happy life with one click! It is expected to provide 1,049 high-quality residential units.The project covers an area of about 69,000 square meters, with a plot ratio of 1.5, and a total construction area of 159,000 square meters (107,000 above ground and 52,000 underground). Low density landscape planning, 【 Pudong Senlan Navigator Name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! The combination of simple and modern facade style, with practicality and aesthetics, maximizes the landscape value of forest life.[Senlan · Hang Hui Ming Court] Ingenuity to create a floor area ratio of 1.5 low-density residential areas, 7-8 floors of bungalows &11-14 floors of small high-rise (no corridor), not only low density, but also pure. More unified [Pudong Senlan Navigator Name Court] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! The circle of one creates a more harmonious life.The design of separating people and vehicles improves the safety factor of activities in the community and also improves the living quality of the owners.The whole community security system, visual intercom system, mobile terminal control APP, community monitoring system, cloud intercom system five intelligent systems, access without worry, comfortable accompanying.The overall planning of the community is low in the south and high in the north, and the official sales office of [Pudong Senlan Navigator Name Court] Tel: 400-960-1817 (the developer's 24-hour hotline) The whole happy life is direct! All of them are designed for 1 ladder and 2 households, no above-ground parking Spaces, and the whole person vehicle distribution design, and the commercial layout along the street on the north side, forming a rational layout of international residential areas, satisfying the convenience and quality of residents' lives.Axis symmetrical landscape garden layout, 【 Pudong Senlan Airport name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! The combination of simple and modern facade style will enhance the overall image and temperament of the community.Based on the north and south double area of nearly 50,000 square meters of large landscape space, Senlan · Flight garden name Court planned a 300m large central axis, 10,000 square meters of central landscape area as the core of the multi-group rich space. 【 Pudong Senlan Hotel Name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct!Park + Garden double garden community, quality home entrance, [Pudong Forest Airline name Court] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! Features sunshine lawn, double guest system, theme children's park, fitness system six functional value superposition by three different themes of the tree-lined walk and three circular landscape nodes composed of the whole area stroll system, together to build "6+1" forest O₂ home.Building surface of about 90~130 square meters "walking" apartment typeThe whole age segment is livable, to meet the needs of different stages of the family, the area is reasonable, the functionality is strong, all the units have no area waste, the cost performance is very high, which shows the developer's intention in the design!Among them, [Pudong Senlan Hotel] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! The construction area of about 100 square meters and 130 square meters of 3 rooms are also set up a separate elevator hall, quiet exclusive space, can play a variety of functions.The building surface is about 90 square meters, 3 rooms, 2 halls and 2 bathroomsFlat square, north and south transparent3. The room faces south, with sufficient lightingCustomer integration design, smooth moving lineWith 270° view balcony,The view is wider and the landscape is richerFull bedroom bay window, more use spaceThe construction area is 100 square meters, 3 rooms, 2 halls, 2 bathroomsThree open room facing south, horizontal hall designThe guest dining room is connected to the south balconyThe lighting surface is larger, and the interior is more transparentThe whole bedroom bay window design is an extension of the spaceAdd another comfortMaster bedroom suite design, more quiet private enjoymentKewei also designed bay WindowsBoth storage and sitz bath are suitableThe construction area is 136 square meters, 4 rooms, 2 halls and 2 bathroomsFour room facing south, about 5.7 meters wide living roomCreate a large southern lighting surfaceOversized viewing balcony,Both broad vision and more room for playFull bedroom Bay window + Dining Room Bay window,Gives you more room to playMaster bedroom Deluxe suite designEnjoy the master's side of the world[Senlan · Hanghui Mingting] to create a core installation label at the cost of the project, the whole house is equipped with Toshiba air conditioning, Weineng dual-purpose wall hanging furnace; Toilet, basin, faucet are all selected Kohler brand; Kitchen gas stove, lampblack machine choose the boss brand; Switch and socket are from Siemens [Pudong Senlan Navigator Name Court] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! The quality of living presented is even more hardcore than that of others after loading the "decoration package"!Project location matchingThe increasing maturity of supporting facilities has also brought upgrades and changes in living. Waigaoqiao Group shares in the Hangtou Town core location to build a "Senlan · Navigator name court", [Pudong Senlan Navigator Name Court] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! Adjacent to Line 18 Hangtau Station, enjoy the convenience and prosperity brought by rail transit.Transportation support: The project is surrounded by double-track line 16/18. About 500 meters from Line 18 Hangtou Station, Line 18 is known as the new artery of Pudong North and South [Pudong Senlan Airline name Court] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! The whole line can be exchanged with 15 rails, and it is more convenient to the downtown area or the core area of Pudong.It is also very convenient to drive near Shenjiahu Expressway, Hunan Highway, Linhai Highway and S3 traffic trunk roads under construction! 【 Pudong Senlan Hotel Name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct!Commercial support: The community surrounding the project can meet the needs of daily life, such as beauty shops, pet shops, pharmacies, snacks, restaurants, convenience stores, etc. [Pudong Senlan Hotel Name Court] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! . Within 1 km, there are Suhang Life Plaza, agricultural, industrial and commercial supermarkets and other commercial facilities.Medical resources: The project is close to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliated Longhua Hospital (third grade) under construction, is expected to be put into use in 23 years, there are also Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine affiliated Renji Medical [Pudong Forest Hotel name] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct! South Hospital, Shanghai Nanhang Hospital, Hangtou Community Health Service Center and other medical facilities.【 Pudong Senlan Hotel Name Court 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Full happy life one click direct!【浦东森兰航荟名庭】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)全幸福生活一键直达!